
This first daffodil greeted me as I came home from work Thursday morning. There may have been one or more over on the west side of the house, but this was the first one I saw. It was still early and quite cloudy, and so the low light forced me to sacrifice depth of field. You can see that the trumpet is sharp but the petals are a bit fuzzy, the blades even more so, and the azaleas in the background are indistinguishable. By the time I got up in the mid afternoon, there were a half dozen or more fully opened. It’s going to be a site to behold this weekend and beyond.

Most of our daffodils are like this one: probably  the common ‘King Alfred’ or something similar. My wife and I dug them up years ago at an old abandoned farmstead on some land my folks owned. One of the hardiest of spring-flowering bulbs, the daffodil needs little more than to be dug up and divided every now and again.


About arator

Jesus is alive and the whole Bible is about Him, and I am nobody. I like to till the earth and muse over all things theological.
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